Happy Birthday Wishes & Quotes in Croatian

Last Updated on February 9, 2017

Croatian, one of the official languages of EU, is predominantly spoken in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina.  In this post, we have written Croatian birthday compliments.  You can wish your Croatian friend in their mother tongue.


How to Say Happy Birthday in Croatian

Sretan rođendan is the phrase to wish happy birthday in Croatia. Some of the most used Croatian wishes are:-

Mnogi sretnih povrataka u danu. – Many happy returns of the day.

Sretno. – Good luck.

Bog blagoslovio. – God bless.

Uživajte u svoj rođendan. – Enjoy your birthday.

Želim vam uspjeh u budućnosti. – I wish you success in the future.

Želim vam ugodan dan !! – I wish you a pleasant day!!


Birthday Wishes & Messages in Croatian

Život je pun iskustva i rođendan je jedan od najvećih iskustava u putovanje života. Sretan rođendan! Želim vam ugodan dan.

(Life is full of experiences and birthday is one of the greatest experiences in the journey of life. Happy Birthday! Have a nice day)


Nemojte se ljutiti što ste ostal godinu dana stariji. Ako pogledate na ostal dobra, vi ostal jedna godina lijep, blistav I mudriji! Puno sretnih povrataka na tvoj rođendan!

(Do not be upset that you become one year older. If you look at the good side, you have become one year beautiful, dazzling and wiser! Many happy returns on your birthday!)



Sretan rođendan draga!! To mi daje previše radost i zadovoljstvo proslaviti svoj rođendan. Počašćen sam što si. Bog te blagoslovio!!

(Happy birthday my dear!! This gives me too much joy and pleasure to celebrate your birthday. I am honored to have you.)

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