Happy Birthday Wishes & Quotes in Lithuanian

Last Updated on September 22, 2017

Are you looking for birthday wishes in Lithuanian?  Here you will get birthday greetings that you can send to your Lithuanian friend and wish them happy birthday in a unique manner.

How to wish Happy Birthday in Lithuanian

 Su gimtadieniu is the way to convey birthday greetings in Lithuania. Some of the common Lithuanian greetings are as follows:-

Gera diena! – Good day!
Visi geriausi savo ateiti. – 
All the best for your future.
Telaimina tave Dievas! – 
God bless you!
Tegul Tavo norai išsipildys. – 
May your wishes come true.
Linkiu jums sekmes ir laimes ateityje. –
 I wish you success and happiness in the future.

Birthday Wishes & Messages in Lithuanian

Diena, kai mes gime, yra absoliuciai švenciama ypac kai ji ateina i specialius žmoniu kaip jus. Su gimtadieniu brangusis!

(The day when we were born, is absolutely celebrated especially when it comes to special people like you. Happy birthday dear!)

Su gimtadieniu mano draugas! Gyvenimas yra labai gražus man, nes aš jums kaip draugas. Ši diena yra svarbi jums daug ir man.

(Happy Birthday my friend! Life is very nice , because I have you as a friend. This day is important for you and a lot to me.)
Su gimtadieniu puikus draugas! Draugas yra vienas iš gražiausiu dalyku, kuriuos galite tureti, ir vienas iš geriausiu dalyku, kuriuos galite buti. Palinketi jums gimtadienio alsuoja šviesa ir meile.

(Happy birthday to a great friend! A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. Wishing you a birthday filled with light and love.)