Catalan is a main language of Andorra and also spoken over some Spanish regions Catalonia, Valencia and Balearic Islands. Here we have collected some Catalan birthday wishes. Give a try to wish your Andorran friends using their local language:-
How to say Happy Birthday in Catalan
Per molts anys and Moltes felicitats are the way to felicitate Happy Birthday in Catalan language. Take a look over some of the Catalan greetings:-
Molta sort! – Good luck!
Que tinguis un bon dia!! – Have a good day!!
Que Déu et beneeixi! – May God bless you!
Tot el millor per al seu futur! – All the best for your future!
Que tots els teus somnis es facin realitat! – May all your dreams come true!
Felicitacions – Best wishes
Birthday Wishes & Messages in Catalan
volgut feliç aniversari ! Deixa de pensar en el passat; mirar cap al futur i millors coses que estan per venir en la seva vida!
(Happy birthday dear ! Stop thinking about the past; look to the future and better things are about to come in your life!)
Els aniversaris són la manera natural de dir-nos menjar més pastís. Et desitjo un aniversari impressionant !!
(Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake. Wishing you an amazing birthday!!)
Hi ha set colors de l’arc de Sant Martí, però em sembla que cap d’ells és tan sorprenent com vostè és el meu amic, feliç aniversari !
(There are seven colors of the rainbow, but it seems that none of them is as amazing as you are my friend, happy birthday!)
Desitjo un feliç aniversari a tu, i sé que serà fantàstic. Gaudir del seu dia especial!!
(I wish a happy birthday to you, and I know it will be fantastic. Enjoy your special day!!)